Acteur majeur du PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), CIMPA propose à ses clients des services de conseil et accompagnement de leurs projets de transformation, dans les secteurs de l’aérospatiale, de la défense, de l’automobile, des transports et de l’énergie. Leur mission chez CIMPA est de donner à leurs clients un avantage concurrentiel en améliorant l’efficacité de leurs opérations tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Ils offrent des services complets de conseil, d’intégration de systèmes d’information et de processus d’affaires. Leur portefeuille couvre toutes les phases du cycle de vie d’un produit industriel, de la création ou de l’optimisation d’une stratégie PLM au déploiement d’outils, de processus et de méthodes en plus de la formation et du support utilisateurs.
PragmaDev figure dans le répertoire en ligne des offreurs de solutions de l'Alliance pour l'industrie du futur.
Le pôle de compétitivité dédié à la mobilité du futur. Implanté sur les Régions Normandie et Île-de-France, NextMove incarne, anime et promeut la « Mobility Valley », un territoire d’excellence européenne où sont inventées, développées, expérimentées et industrialisées les solutions pour relever les défis de la mobilité du futur. Fédérant les principaux acteurs de la mobilité et de l’industrie automobile, NextMove tisse les liens entre grands groupes, PME, startups, universités, laboratoires, territoires et les accompagne dans le montage et le financement de leurs projets. C’est un réseau unique où se construisent des collaborations durables au sein d’un écosystème en plein mutation.
TASTE (The ASSERT Set of Tools for Engineering) est un agrégateur d'outils développé par l'Agence Spatial Européenne (ESA) dont l'objectif est le support du processus ASSERT. Il permet aux développeurs logiciels d'intégrer facilement du code hétérogène écrit manuellement ou généré automatiquement par un outil de modélisation du marché. La cohérence est assurée grace au modèle de données basé sur ASN.1. [article complet] [regardez la démo en ligne]
The aims of the SDL Forum Society are to promote the Specification and Description Language SDL, to provide and disseminate information on the development and use of SDL, to support education on SDL and to plan and organize the "SDL Forum" series and of events to promote SDL.
PragmaDev is an active member of the SDL Forum.
Founded in 1993, Red Hat is the leader in enterprise Linux and is the most recognized open source brand in the world. We serve global enterprises with technology and services made possible by the open source model. Solutions include Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, JBoss Enterprise Middleware, and a broad range of management and services: consulting, 24x7 support, Red Hat Network. Red Hat's global training program operates worldwide and features RHCE and JBCAA, the global standard Linux and middleware certifications.
Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software, Inc. is the largest independent vendor of embedded development solutions. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178B RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by the NSA to EAL6+ High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Our open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply embedded, absolute security and high-reliability applications for the military/avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions. Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom.
SCIOPTA is a highly optimized real-time operating system and is specifically tuned for the respective processors. This results in a very high performance and a low memory footprint. But SCIOPTA is more than an RTOS. It is a new and modern approach to design embedded systems. The direct message passing method allows easy and time-saving design of robust and secure systems. Applications based on the SCIOPTA Method can cover small static SoC designs to large dynamic distributed systems. The SCIOPTA System includes the pre-emptive multi-tasking high-performance real-time kernels, the SCIOPTA IPS internet protocols (TCP/IP and applications), the SCIOPTA flash file systems, the SCIOPTA CONNECTOR product for supporting distributed multi-CPU systems, the SCIOPTA memory management system, the SCIOPTA portable embedded GUI and the SCIOPTA DRUID system level debugger. SCIOPTA is royalty free.
PragmaDev Studio generated code has been integrated with SCIOPTA RTOS. SCIOPTA is a message based RTOS and suits therefore very well the message based methods of SDL.
Express Logic's ThreadX(r) real-time operating system (RTOS) delivers the most advanced run-time solution for deeply embedded applications. ThreadX is small, fast, and easy-to-use, and completely royalty-free. ThreadX is the RTOS inside over 500 million embedded products, making it one of the most widely deployed RTOSes in the world. Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS incorporates a picokernel(tm) design that enables fine-grained scalability based solely on the functions used by a particular application. ThreadX also offers preemption-threshold(tm) technology that minimizes context switches by eliminating unnecessary priority inversion. ThreadX is complemented by its high-performance IPv4/IPv6 TCP/IP networking stack NetX Duo(tm), its its embedded MS-DOS file system FileX(tm), and its USB Host/Device stack USBX(tm). All products from Express Logic include full source-code and have no run-time royalties.
PragmaDev Studio code generator supports ThreadX real time operating system.
TASKING products are world-leading tools for embedded software development, bringing together the advanced software design technology needed to compete in the embedded communications era. TASKING's award-winning integrated development environment, compiler, debugger, embedded Internet and RTOS offerings support a wide range of DSPs and 8-, 16- and 32-bit microprocessors and microcontrollers for all areas of embedded development. With over 100,000 licensed users of TASKING products, including the world's leading telecom, datacom, wireless and peripheral manufacturers, the TASKING product range has a long history of technology leadership and innovation.
The connection between PragmaDev Studio and TASKING C166/ST10 CrossView Pro debugger allows graphical debugging in the SDL-RT diagrams and at C level, as well as graphical traces based on SDL-RT MSC diagrams.
OSS Nokalva, Inc. ( is an acclaimed technology innovator and a leading provider of ASN.1 and XML based software. OSS Nokalva's products, including the industry-best ASN.1 development and implementation software, the OSS® ASN.1 Tools, provide all the standards-based components and building blocks needed to create interoperability between systems and applications.
Our software is a complete and affordable solution for building ASN.1 applications. By combining ease of use with robust features, the OSS® ASN.1 Tools reduces development time and shortens the time-to-market cycle for system integrators and OEMs developing ASN.1 applications. All OSS products fully adhere to industry standards and have been ported successfully to over 150 different computing platforms. Since 1988, companies on six continents have used our software successfully.
By combining OSS®'s ASN.1 Tools with the PragmaDev Studio, developers will enjoy a fast and easy development environment designed to enhance the development, management, and performance of their applications.
Des solutions numériques proposées par les entreprises aux services publics. Ce catalogue permet aux éditeurs logiciels disposant d’un établissement en France de faire connaitre leurs solutions auprès des administrations publiques.
PragmaDev is a member of EFEL Power.
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EFEL Power is a cluster of French software editors gathering various size and personnalities in the Frence innovative eco-system. The members share an ambition to put ahead the "French Touch" et wish to better value their know-how in order to help the ermergence of French international champions.
France Innovation est une association professionnelle qui fédère les prestataires privés de recherche et de développement technologique, les entreprises proposant des produits, procédés ou services innovants et les acteurs du conseil et de l’accompagnement en innovation.
PragmaDev est membre du réseau France Innovation.
Fondé en 1991, MEGA est un éditeur français d’envergure mondiale reconnu leader international sur le marché depuis 11 ans. Présente sur les 5 continents, l’entreprise travaille en partenariat avec ses clients et les accompagne dans leurs projets de gouvernance et de transformation. MEGA les aide à prendre les bonnes décisions pour optimiser leur mode de fonctionnement et accélérer la création de valeur. La plateforme HOPEX connecte et centralise l’ensemble des informations liées aux métiers, au système d’information, aux données et aux risques dans un référentiel commun tout en s’intégrant parfaitement dans l’écosystème existant de l’entreprise. Les équipes Services de MEGA accompagnent et guident les clients dans leurs projets en suivant une approche pragmatique qui garantit un retour sur investissement rapide. Particulièrement active dans les organisations professionnelles et les organismes de standardisation, MEGA contribue au développement de standards internationaux tels que TOGAF et ArchiMate.
Mega et PragmaDev ont signé un accorde partenariat Alliance en 2020. A ce titre une intégration spécifique est disponible pour les utilisateurs d'Hopex.
Durant les 30 dernières années, Yves Loué a participé au repositionnement et au développement de grandes et de petites sociétés avec succès.
Reqtify est une application interactive conviviale permettant de gérer l'analyse de la traçabilité et de l'impact des exigences pour différents systèmes, programmes et niveaux de projet d'un bout à l'autre du cycle de développement de matériels et de logiciels.
A partir de la -V 2009-1a Reqtify inclut le support des projets PragmaDev dans sa distribution standard.
Créé en 2005 et s’inscrivant dans une démarche d’Open Innovation, Systematic Paris-Region, pôle de compétitivité mondial, rassemble et anime un écosystème d’excellence de plus de 800 membres. Systematic connecte les acteurs du logiciel, du numérique et de l’industrie, accélère les projets numériques par l’innovation collaborative, le développement des PME, la mise en relation et le sourcing business et ce, sur les secteurs d’avenir : énergie, télécoms, santé, transports, systèmes d’information, usine du futur, ville numérique, sécurité. Le Pôle a également pour mission, de promouvoir ses acteurs, son territoire, ses projets d’innovation et ceci dans le but d’accroitre sa notoriété et développer l’attractivité du territoire. L’action de Systematic Paris-Region est soutenue par le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER), la Direccte et la Région Île-de-France.
PragmaDev est un membre actif de Systematic et a participé au projet exoTICus. Alcatel-Lucent leader du projet en présente les grandes lignes dans la vidéo ci-dessous:
PragmaDev était aussi membre du réseau Opticsvalley. Opticsvalley, en coopération étroite avec les collectivités locales d’Île-de-France, au premier rang desquelles le Conseil régional d’Île-de-France et le Conseil général de l’Essonne, contribue à créer les conditions les plus favorables à l’innovation, à la croissance des entreprises et à la création d’emplois. Opticsvalley a fusionné avec Systematic en février 2019.
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Devotek Communications provides consultancy, product development and training services within telecom and datacom industry (GSM, 3G in particular) featuring embedded software engineering/design, modeldriven development, quality assurance, verification, testing and validation. Long experience with SDL, UML and TTCN using dedicated tools like Real Time Developer Studio for design, simulation and automatic code generation makes it possible to cut development efforts down to 50% and error reduction with 70% which gives a significant contribution to reduced Time To Market and improved quality in the delivered product. Devotek Communications is a subsidiary of Kongsberg Devotek which is providing consultancy, product development and training services within driveline (automotive) industry, featuring mechanical construction, electronic design, mechatronics, embedded software development, numerical engineering, systems engineering, verification, testing and validation.
Tools in use are Matlab and Labview, and UML tools are being introduced. The companies has engineers and technicians that can help businesses address their R&D needs and contribute to successful product development through thoroughness. Devoteks collaborative approach brings insight, creativity and commitment in achieving shared goals.
Enea Embedded Technology is a leading provider of real-time operating systems, development tools, and services for fault-tolerant, high-availability, and safety-critical applications. The company globally markets products and services related to the OSE real-time operating system product portfolio. Market segments include distributed communications (mobile phones, communication infrastructure), avionics, medical, automotive, industrial control systems, military, aeropspace and safety critical systems. Consumer include industry leaders such as Ericsson, Lockheed Martin, Samsung, Agere Systems, Sony, and Boeing. Enea Embedded Technology holds a 20-percent share of the RTOS market for communication infrastructure, and the OSE operating system is deployed in millions of mobile phones all over the world. Enea Embedded Technology is headquartered in Sweden and maintains local offices in Germany, France, the UK, the USA, and Japan.
PragmaDev Studio code generator supports OSE real time operating system. OSE signal files are automatically generated in order to keep track of the SDL events in the Illuminator.
The Mentor Graphics Embedded Systems Division is located in Mobile, Alabama with sales offices and distributors worldwide. As a leading provider of solutions that accelerate product time-to-market in a wide range of embedded device applications, the company is best known for the Nucleus OS, a full featured operating system combining an extremely efficient kernel with essential core services such as networking, USB, graphics, file system, Security and Bus support.
Nucleus OS is complemented by the EDGE Developer Suite and Inflexion Platform products. EDGE Developer Suite is an Eclipse-based suite of tools comprising IDE, compiler, debugger, simulation and testing, application profiler and JTAG connection for rapid embedded development. Inflexion Platform enables manufacturers to rapidly customize and integrate a range of user applications for a wide range of mass market consumer devices. For more information, please visit or e-mail us at
Since its inception in 1990, CMX Systems has focused on providing its customers with all of the tools
needed to program their embedded applications. The company's core business is to develop and support
real-time, multi-tasking operating systems (RTOS) and TCP/IP stacks for a wide variety of 8-bit, 16-bit, and
32-bit microcomputers, microprocessors, and digital signal processors.
The company's CMX-RTX™, CMX-RTXS™, and CMX-Tiny+™ real-time multi-tasking operating systems
support more than 40 processor families and over 30 C-compiler vendors. CMX also develops and supports
products that enhance the user's ability to create, test and debug application code, including
CMXKAware™, CMXBug™, and CMXTracker™.
CMX Systems provides CMX TCP/IP™, a full-featured TCP/IP stack for 16- and 32-bit processors, and
CMX-MicroNet, a unique TCP/IP stack that is targeted for 8-bit processor target platforms.
PragmaDev Studio code generator supports CMX RTX real time operating system. Probably one of the best choice for 8-16 bit targets with small memory footprint constraints.
Since the 1980s, Marben Products has been supplying portable software solutions that meet standards from the most established telecommunication standardization bodies. Marben Products is recognized as a leading provider of standards based protocol software for Service Providers, Equipment Manufacturers and Software Development Companies. Marben Products delivers highly robust and efficient signalling, routing and AAA solutions for the network control plane of Next Generation Networks (NGN) and the service control plane of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Major telecom players have been trusting Marben Products for its high quality performance products, expertise and industry leading support. Marben Products is an affiliate of NE Technologies, Inc.
The flawless integration between PragmaDev Studio and MARBEN ASN.1 tools provides a graphical, open and efficient development environment to speed up the implementation of ASN.1 based real-time embedded applications. The connection between both tools will allow graphical debugging in the SDL-RT diagrams and at source level of your whole application code including ASN.1 messages encoding/decoding.
PRESTO -ImProvements of industrial Real Time Embedded SysTems develOpment process- est un projet européen co-financé par la comission européenne via l'organisme ARTEMIS
Les partenaires impliqués dans ce projet sont: TELETEL, THALES Communications France, RapitaSystems, VTT, Softeam, THALES Italy, MetaCase, INRIA, Université de L’Aquila, MILTECH HELLAS S.A, PragmaDev, Prismtech, Sarokal Solutions.